Jeremiah was called to be a prophet at a young age and served the Lord for more than 40 years. God had been calling His people back to Himself, but they had been resistant. God wanted His people to avoid the coming disaster and sent Jeremiah to plea with the people....
Devotions: “Sacred Snippet” on Genesis 18
Genesis 18 fits into the narrative concerning Abraham and his travels in the land of Canaan. It is nestled between the birth of Ishmael (the son of slavery) and the birth of Isaac (the son of the promise). Genesis 18:16-33 describes how Abraham interceded for Sodom,...
Devotions: “Sacred Snippet” on Psalm 66:15
Psalms are nothing more than songs to the Lord. In Psalm 66, the psalmist praises the Lord for the many ways he sees God at work in his midst. But as the psalmist praises the Lord for what He has done and for how He has protected the people, he recognizes his...